Markentry USA Partner

Seasoned international financial and business operations strategist with 20+ years of experience in telecommunication, automotive, and management consulting in corporate finance management and controls, market expansions, as well as identifying investment opportunities in the start up / venture capital ecosystem in the US,
Germany, Spain and India through well established networks. Very well developed and experienced cross-cultural influential skills and great base of languages being fluent in German (native), Spanish (native), English (proficient), and functional in Italian and French.
- Proven track record across more than $10 billion of cross-border M&A projects in the telecommunication industry globally
- Drive M&A transactions from inception to closing to ensure proper deal execution and post-merger integration, including identifying investment opportunities and performing market studies, conducting in-depth financial due diligence, determining the financing structure for acquisitions, and managing the post-closing integration of the acquired assets or businesses into the existing corporate structure and culture
- Building general corporate finance (FP&A) and accounting processes with cash flow management, closing the books, revenue assurance, budget and risk compliance controls, and procurement procedures
- Leading international teams in negotiations of vendor contracts valued in excess of $100 million in Germany, US and India
- Startup Investor, Mentor and Advisor in various Startups internationally
- Executive in Fortune 500 global companies like Arthur Andersen y Deutsche Telekom