Markentry USA Partner

Juan Manuel Muñoz, entrepreneur and marketeer. Born in Spain, he lives and works in Miami (Florida) since 2015, traveling frequently to Spain.
Degree in Law and Business (Marketing area) at ICADE-Comillas, Madrid.
He started working in Marketing and Export departments in B2B companies: technology for agriculture in Murcia; and sawmills in Galicia. During 5 years he traveled all over the world serving clients and participating in fairs, trade missions …
For a year, he launched and led the House Rental Project for the Government of Galicia. It involved the development of the regulations, recruitment and training of the team and the real estate agencies in the main Galician cities.
In 2007 he founded Avante Marketing y Medios (media planning agency with offices in Galicia, Asturias and Portugal).
In 2015 it expanded the operation to Miami by opening Avante Americas, maintaining the operation in Galicia and Asturias.
In 2018, he inaugurated Artichoke_Born to Sell, a project focused on helping Spanish companies sell their products and services in the USA.
Throughout his professional life he has participated as a guest lecturer in many colleges, business clubs, seminars and business schools in the areas of Marketing, Export, Advertising, Media Planning, etc.